每天给你的亲人一个night kiss告诉她们你爱她们给你的爱人一个morning kiss告诉他你也同样深爱着他去听你内心的声音执着于疯狂追求它们下一秒将会发生什么没人知道但在此之前你完全可以这样生活你只需记得我有爱的样子
Compared to other works I've seen so far, this one is less in the realm of magical and suspense, equipped with much fewer whimsical and enchanting moments in the traditional sense...there is clear imbalance among these protagonists, with Ida being the one with (significantly) least screen time, but Rivette likely doesn't care. The eventual encounter of the other 2, Louise and Ninon, and the bonding thereafter, is clearly reminiscent of Celine and Julie Go Boating, and that includes their joint effort in subverting gender dynamics...see full review at https://letterboxd.com/ziggyzaggy/film/up-down-fragile/